Special Lecture: Arvind Neelakantan (OpenAI)

Arvind Neelakantan Headshot
Arvind Neelakantan
Friday, May 26, 2023 12:00 PM
Henley Hall 1010 (IN PERSON ONLY)

Embeddings and Retrieval Augmented Generation

Abstract: Embeddings are numerical representations of concepts converted to number sequences, which make it easy for computers to understand the relationships between those concepts. This talk will first  focus on our work on embeddings that are useful to perform natural language and code tasks like semantic search, clustering, topic modeling, and classification. Then we will dive deeper into the application of embeddings for retrieval augmented generation with language models.  

Bio: Arvind Neelakantan is a Research Lead and Manager at OpenAI working on deep learning research for real-world applications. He got his PhD from UMass Amherst where he was also a Google PhD Fellow. His work has received best paper awards at NeurIPS and at Automated Knowledge Base Construction workshop.


This event is sponsored by the Center for Responsible Machine Learning and the Mellichamp Initiative in Mind and Machine Intelligence.