William Wang receives Karen Spärck Jones Award
February 1, 2023
“. . . the Karen Spärck Jones Award is named for a computer scientist who — in addition to being a woman in computer science, a rarity at the time — merged linguistics with statistics, developing the principles that underlie today’s web searches, predating Google by two decades. . . . ‘Karen Spärck Jones invented an algorithm called TF-IDF,’ Wang said. . . . TF-IDF continues to be a mainstay of Wang’s current work, in which he and his students are developing an open-domain answering system — an engine that can give long responses to questions using natural language, deriving information from a large corpus. Using newer machine learning training techniques and the TF-IDF algorithm, his aim is to add specificity to relevance.”
Read the full press release in The Current
Michael Beyeler receives $1.5 million NIH Director’s New Innovator Award to enable an AI powered visual prosthesis.
October 4, 2022
“Success of this project would translate to a new potential treatment option for incurable blindness, which affects nearly 40 million people worldwide,” said Beyeler, who plans to make all of his group’s software, tools and deidentified data available to the scientific community. “Overall, this will be a fantastic opportunity for my lab to contribute substantially in the field of sight restoration and make a difference in the world.”
Read the full press release in The Current
A Matter of Privacy
January 8, 2021
We are pleased to announce Evidation Health as a founding member of the UCSB Center for Responsible Machine Learning. Evidation and CRML will be working to improve privacy in ML applications of personal health data.
CRML faculty members Timothy Sherwood and Sharon Tettegah
2020 Award for Inclusion Research from Google
October 23, 2020
Timothy Sherwood and Sharon Tettegah receive the 2020 Award for Inclusion Research from Google for their proposal "Iterative Design of a Black Studies Research Computing Initiative through `Flipped Research’"
Responsible Machine Learning Summit Overview
October 16, 2020
The special focus of the 2020 Responsible Machine Learning Summit was on AI and COVID-19. Watch the talks and discussions from the summit here.
CRML faculty members Arpit Gupta, Elizabeth Belding and Yu-Xiang Wang
Reinforcement Learning-Based Self-Driving Wireless Network Management System
July 24, 2020
CRML affiliate faculty members Arpit Gupta, Elizabeth Belding, and Yu-Xiang Wang receive Future Wireless Systems Research Award from Intel and the National Science Foundation.
CRML Director William Wang
Fortune features CRML and William Wang
January 31, 2020
A Fortune article about the use of AI in marketing features William Wang weighing in on the ethical concerns and potential social benefits of AI-driven communication.
UCSB's Center for Responsible Machine Learning Announces Distinguished Lecture Series
January 2, 2020
“These will be research-oriented academic lectures that dive into technical discussions about the solutions for the center’s key topics,” said Wang, who has received a DARPA Young Faculty Award from the U.S. Department of Defense, three IBM faculty awards, and multiple research awards from Facebook and Adobe for his work on machine learning and NLP. “Our hope is that these lectures will help increase the depth of research in the center and allow UCSB students and faculty to engage with leaders in the AI community.”
CRML Co-Director Yu-Xiang Wang speaking at the 2019 Responsible Machine Learning Summit
Leading the Charge
October 30, 2019
Scientists from Intel, Amazon, Facebook and Google joined some of the leading academic minds on artificial intelligence (AI) to discuss the future of machine learning during the inaugural Responsible Machine Learning Summit hosted by UC Santa Barbara.