Upamanyu Madhow
CRML Affiliated Faculty
Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Our research group approaches machine learning from a signal processing perspective, with the goal of developing robust, interpretable architectures that exploit underlying structure in the datasets. A key research focus is on the fundamentals of robust deep learning. Specifically, we are investigating sparse signal processing as a means of defending against adversarial perturbations (e.g., in images or speech signals) which are imperceptible for humans, but which can be designed by an adversary to severely impair the performance of deep neural networks. Another research direction is on the application of deep learning techniques as a means of physical layer security and authentication for wireless devices.
Upamanyu Madhow is Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His current research interests focus on next generation communication, sensing and inference infrastructures centered around millimeter wave systems, and on robust machine learning. Dr. Madhow is a recipient of the 1996 NSF CAREER award, and co-recipient of the 2012 IEEE Marconi prize paper award in wireless communications. He has served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, and the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. He is the author of two textbooks published by Cambridge University Press, Fundamentals of Digital Communication (2008) and Introduction to Communication Systems (2014).