2021 Responsible Machine Learning Summit
Friday, October 1, 2021 9:00 AM
The focus of the 2021 Responsible Machine Learning Summit is on artificial intelligence and machine learning for social good. The broad range of topics includes AI and ethics, wildlife protection, social justice, security & privacy, public policy, and global development. Attendance is free but registration is required. Please join the webinar for any of the sessions throughout the day as your schedule permits.
9:00am Welcome and Overview
Joseph Incandela Vice Chancellor for Research, Distinguished Professor, Yzurdiaga Chair in Experimental Sciences, UC Santa Barbara
William Wang Director, Center for Responsible Machine Learning and Mellichamp Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence, UC Santa Barbara
Stuart Russell Professor of Computer Science and Michael H. Smith and Lotfi A. Zadeh Chair in Engineering, UC Berkeley
Session Chair: William Wang
10:15am AI, Ethics, and Social & Global Development
Towards Robust, Interpretable, and Fair Social and Public Health Interventions
Phebe Vayanos Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science, USC
- Human-Centered Design of Artificial Intelligence Systems for Frontline Health
Neha Kumar Associate Professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs & School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
- Session Chair: Miriam Metzger Professor, Communication and Information Technologies, UC Santa Barbara
- Session Chair: Miriam Metzger Professor, Communication and Information Technologies, UC Santa Barbara
11:30am Panel: AI, Public Policy, and Corporate Social Responsibility
Lisa Amini Director, IBM Research Cambridge
Rayid Ghani Professor, Machine Learning and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Lorraine Kisselburgh Faculty Fellow and Lecturer, Center for Research on Information Security and Center for Entrepreneurship, Purdue University Past Inaugural Chair, ACM Technology Policy Council
Summer Kim Professor of Law, UC Irvine
Session Chair: Miguel Eckstein Director, Mellichamp Initiative in Mind and Machine Intelligence and Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, UC Santa Barbara
12:30pm Break
Tuomas Sandholm Angel Jordan University Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Co-Director, CMU AI, Founder and Director, Electronic Marketplaces Laboratory
Session Chair Yu-Xiang Wang Co-Director, Center for Responsible Machine Learning and Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UC Santa Barbara
2:30pm AI and Wildlife Conservation
Fei Fang Assistant Professor, Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University
AI for Oceans
Douglas McCauley Associate Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology at UC Santa Barbara, Director of the Benioff Ocean Initiative
Fei Fang Assistant Professor, Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University
3:45pm Conclusion